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How to use the NEW Donations page
How to use the NEW Donations page

Here's how the donations page works for those customers who have made the transition to the new Open Tender web app

JC Harrington avatar
Written by JC Harrington
Updated over a week ago

For those customers who have made the transition to the new Open Tender web app, the donations page now lives at the /donations route, such as this page here:

Here's what it looks like for customers who are NOT logged in:

For users that are logged in, it's quite a bit more streamlined:

Logged in customers don't need to fill in their email, and they can pay with one of their saved credit cards (if they don't have any saved credit cards, they'll be presented with the new card form like you see for customers who are not logged in).

Once the customer submits their donation, they'll receive a confirmation email that looks like this:

How to manage your donation settings

You can now (optionally) add a "Make a Donation" button to your site's landing page, which would look something like this:

You can add this by first checking the box on the Order Types page, which can be found here:

You can then customize the button text from the Home section under App Config > Content, which you can find here:

The content for the donations page itself can be customized here:

And that should do it! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

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