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Creating distance- and travel time-based surcharges
Creating distance- and travel time-based surcharges

How to create dynamic surcharges that change based on distance

JC Harrington avatar
Written by JC Harrington
Updated over a week ago

Brandibble gives you the flexibility to create surcharges that change based on distance. These can be used to offer delivery to a wider perimeter without compromising cost. 

To set up a distance-based surcharge, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Settings > Surcharges

  2. Click on Add New Surcharge (If you'd like to edit an existing surcharge, click on the surcharge you'd like to edit)

  3. Fill out all of the fields

  4. For Surcharge Type, select Distance (you could also select Travel Time if you'd like to charge customers based on travel time rather than distance)

  5. Select the Travel Type and Cost per Mile Traveled (this will be Cost per Hour of Travel Time if you selected Travel Time above)

  6. Click on Add New Surcharge

To associate the surcharge with a location, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Locations and click on the location you'd like to add the surcharge to

  2. Click on Order Settings and scroll down to Surcharge Settings

  3. Select the surcharge from the dropdown menu 

  4. Click on Update Order Settings

If you want to use this surcharge for other locations, follow the above steps at each location.

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