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Blocking delivery and pickup times [UPDATE POST REDESIGN]
Blocking delivery and pickup times [UPDATE POST REDESIGN]

Blocking order times so customers won't be able to request orders

JC Harrington avatar
Written by JC Harrington
Updated over a week ago

Brandibble gives you the ability to block specific time frames during which your customers won't be able to request orders.

For example, your store may be super busy from 12 PM to 2 PM on Mondays - so busy that you either don't have the kitchen capacity to fulfill a catering order or the staff on hand to deal with it (or both!)  If this is the case, you can prevent your customers from requesting orders between the hours of 12 PM and 2 PM on Mondays. You can differentiate between pickup and delivery if you're able to fulfill one but not the other.

Here's how to go about doing that:

  1. Click on Locations and select the location you'd like to edit

  2. Click on Hours and scroll to the bottom of the page

  3. Click on Add Blocked Time Range

  4. Select the day of the week and the start and end times

  5. Click on Update Blocked Times

  6. This will take you back to the Hours tab, where you'll be able to see the new blocked time range you just created and you can edit or delete it as needed

You can add as many blocked time ranges as you'd like (if you want to block out the hours between 12 and 2pm on every weekday, for instance). These blocked time ranges will be reflected on your site immediately, so when catering customers go to checkout and choose a delivery date and time, they'll be prevented from choosing these times.

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