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Flagging a store as "coming soon" [UPDATE POST REDESIGN]
Flagging a store as "coming soon" [UPDATE POST REDESIGN]

How the coming soon setting works

JC Harrington avatar
Written by JC Harrington
Updated over a week ago

Once a location is added on the backend of Brandibble, it will show up on your website. However, if you flag it as Coming Soon, it will prevent customers from being able to order from that particular location. Brands typically use this feature when they've opened a new store but aren't ready to begin accepting online orders just yet. This way, you're giving your customers more visibility to new store openings so they can keep them in mind for the future.

To set a location as Coming Soon:

  1. Go to Locations and click on the location you'd like to edit

  2. In the Basic Info tab, check the box next to Coming Soon

  3. Click on Update Basic Info

Keep in mind that after you set a location as Coming Soon, you will still see it on your locations page if you are logged in to your Brandibble admin account. This is so you can place test orders and make sure everything is working on your end. 

If you'd like to see how it looks for your customers, simply log out of your Brandibble account and then go to your website's locations page. 

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